lunedì 18 ottobre 2010



1A. Can you as mentor and sponsor guarantee your new distributor, that you have an proven duplicatable system in place that also will work for him and others he / she will sponsor, and that especially in relation with the mother language and country where he / she is living in?

1B. Does the System has its information in the mother language of the interested person?

1C. Does the Company have an office and deposit, in your country, c.q. in the country of the person you will sponsor, with the documentation of the products in their mother language?

2.How many time does it cost you to sponsor somebody else when applying the system?

3. How many training time does it cost you to help a new sponsored distributor to sponsor somebody else?
One hour, 6 hours, one week, one month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?
>>>If somebody does not sponsor somebody else in their downline after six months their is one simple reason for that<<<:
>>>They did not get or have something that they can do; a system that they can duplicate<<<.
(Think about that the System in principle has to be sooo simple that an 8 year old child can do this after and intruction time of 20 minutes)( Note that the human mind can not concentrate on studying something more as 25 minutes continously. When you need longer time to explain something you have to make an pause of 10 minutes).

4.Does your System only work with the internet and electronic information like eBooks or has also an working range offline that is easy to do?
For example do you only have your information about your system in electronic form like eBook and Website, or do you also have real book on paper and an guaranteed proven duplicatable System functioning offline?
Many people does not have an computer or internet access; (especially outside outside USA / Canada; see chart internet connections per head in the world), but they do have interest in Network Marketing. Do you have an proven duplicatable system in place for these people,in their mother language, and can you guarantee for them, that it is also an proven and duplicatable system for them and their sponsored people?

5. Does your guaranteed proven and duplicatable System explains itself in a simple way easy to understand like an manual for a radio? Does it comes it staight to the point (max 50 pages; 3 hours reading) or does it have all kind of fancy tellings in there.(Especially people in Europe and Asia don't interest.)
In some regions people do not have the time or do not like to read things they do not relate to, especially when it does not comes straight to the point; (It has to be like manual written explanation; not exeeding 50 pages and 3 hours of reading, otherwise it will be never been read).

6.Does the business have an office and deposit in your country where you live?

7.Does the business have an office and deposit in that country where you want to sponsor a new person?

8.When not, can you as sponsor guarantee that the business is still a 5 pillar business in that other country? (for example are the shipping costs and costum costs, reasonable; not exeeding $50,-- for both?)
(for example the policies and procedures in the other country are not too different as in your country and still relating to 5 pillars). We have seen 5 Pillar Network Marketing Businesses in Europe that are not 5 Pillar Businesses in the USA and Canada, and also the other way around; 5 Pillar Network Marketing Businesses in the USA and Canada that are not 5 Pillar businesses in Europe or Asia.

9.Does the Business complies with the federal, state, and local laws of that country?

10.Does the Business have the informations and Product informations in the languages that are normally used in this country?

11.Does it tap in on the local demands and trends of the consumers of this country?

12.Do you have to explain or justify the product to the consumer or future distributor.
Normally the use of the product has to be so common and known that you do not have to explain nor justify. The only thing has to be that the price is much less as anywhere else.

Network Marketing is a relationships Business not a sales Business

Ask your self and reply sincerely;
What kind of Relationship do we have; me the Sponsor and you the sponsored person?

Ask these questions to your mentor, sponsor:

Are you truely a friend?
Do you stay in contact with me also about other things as only the Business?
Do you really want me to be successful in the / my Business? Can I do this business with success? Will you help me, and check from time to time if I have some progress, or analyse what are the issues not having progress?
Can you guarantee that you have an proven duplicatable system in place that also will work for me in my mother language and in my region or country where I live?
Can you guarantee and Do you have an five pillars Business in place, that is togheter with the duplicatable system a guaranteed success when working it in a simple way, and part-time, with documentation in my mother language and has an office in my country?

To check this Business;
Ask for a list of 7 persons at the 3 level from your sponsor; those for whom it has worked 3 levels deep)> In your Continent and country where you live; for example at 3 level from your sponsor 7 persons who have an downline of 3 levels in Europe Mainland so without England, and are earning $500,-- per month now.
Those people who worked MFF and VM, and are earning $ 500,-- per month now.




venerdì 16 aprile 2010


1A. Can you as mentor and sponsor guarantee your new distributor, that you have an proven

duplicatable system in place that also will work for him and others he / she will sponsor,

and that especially in relation with the mother language and country where he / she is

living in?
1B. Does the System has its information in the mother language of the interested person?
1C. Does the Company have an office and deposit, in your country, c.q. in the country of the

person you will sponsor, with the documentation of the products in their mother language?

2.How many time does it cost you to sponsor somebody else when applying the system?
3. How many training time does it cost you to help a new sponsored distributor to sponsor

somebody else?
One hour, 6 hours, one day, one week, one month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?
>>>If somebody does not sponsor somebody else in their downline after six months their is

one simple reason for that<<<:
>>>They did not get or have something that they can do, a system that they can duplicate<<<.
(Think about that the System in principle has to be sooo simple that a 8 year old child can

do this after and intruction time of 20 minutes)( The human mind can not concentrate on

studying something more as 25 minutes continously. When you need longer you have to make an

pause of 10 minutes).

4.Does your System only work with the internet and electronic information like eBooks or has

also an working range offline?
For example do you only have your information about your system in electronic form like

eBook and Website, or do you also have real book on paper and an guaranteed proven

duplicatable System functioning offline?
Many people does not have an computer or internet access; (outside USA / Canada, see chart

internet connections per head), but they do have interest in Network Marketing. Do you have

an proven duplicatable system in place for these people,in their mother language, and can

you guarantee for them, that it is also an proven and duplicatable system for them and their

sponsored people?

5. Does your guaranteed proven and duplicatable System explains itself in a simple way easy

to understand like an manual for an radio? Comes it staight to the point (max 50 pages; 3

hours reading) or does it have all kind of fancy tellings in there.(Especially people in

Europe and Asia don't interest.)
In some regions people do not have the time or do not like to read things they do not relate

to, especially when it does not comes straight to the point; (It has to be like manual

written explanation; not exeeding 50 pages and 3 hours of reading, otherwise it will be

never been read).

6.Does the business have an office and deposit in your country?
7.Does the business have an office and deposit in that country where you want to sponsor a

new person?
8.When not, can you as sponsor guarantee that the business is still a 5 pillar business in

that other country? (for example does the shipping costs are reasonable; not exeeding

(for example the policies and procedures arenot too different as in your country and still

relating to 5 pillars).
9.Does it complies with the federal, state, and local laws?
10.Does it have the informations and Product informations in the languages that are normally

used in this country?
11.Does it tap in on the local demands and trends of the consumers of this country?

Network Marketing is a relationships Business not a sales Business

Ask your self and reply sincerely;
What kind of Relationship do we have; me the Sponsor and you the sponsored person?

Ask these questions to your mentor, sponsor:

Are you truely a friend?
Do you stay in contact with me also about other things as the Business?
Do you really want me to be successful in the Business?
Can you guarantee that you have an proven duplicatable system that also will work for me in

my mother language and in my region where I live??
Can you guarantee and Do you have an five pillars Business in place, that is togheter with

the duplicatable system a guaranteed success when working it in a simple way, and part-time,

with documentation in my mother language and has an office in my country?

To check this;
Ask for a list of 7 persons at the 3 level from your sponsor; those for whom it has worked

3 levels deep)> In your Continent and country where you live; for example at 3 level from

your sponsor 7 persons who have an downline of 3 levels in Europe Mainland so without

England, and are earning $500,-- per month now.





Check list 5 Pillars of valid successful Network Marketing Business

Check list 5 Pillars of valid successful Network Marketing Business
If you are looking for a company to join or simply want to evaluate the company you are already with, 5 Pillars technology outlines a simple method to measure any company. Caution: Please do Yourself a favor and answer these questions with your critical eye.

A company may have the greatest products and the best pay plan on the planet, but if it is lacking any of the Five Pillars, you could lose EVERYTHING overnight. Your income and Reputation are at stake.

The correct answers to these 5 questions WILL save You years of Failure and Frustration.

Pillar 1: Does the company management have personal experience building their own networking organization? Have they done it with Integrity?
• Search Google for the owners of the company.
• Do the owners have Integrity? Add the word 'Scam' to your search.
• Do the owners have a Corporate background or an in-the-field Network Marketing background?
• Read your "Policies & Procedures" and "Terms & Conditions";
both are part of your Legal Contract.
• Look for the word "Ongoing".
• Look for policies that strike you as "Unreasonable". Like "Termination, with or without cause".
• Ask yourself "Does this contract protect me or the company?" "Is it clear which way it leans?"
• Does the company charge you for training or a company web site?
• Does the company charge you for each paycheck they send you?
• Rules of Thumb:
• The longer the contract, the greater the possibility that the policies important to you
are being hidden in "Legalese"!
• If it's a "Cash Only" business...It's a Scam!
• If you can buy a position at the top...It's a Scam!
• If you are offered a "Special Deal"...the playing field isn't level for all.
• If the products are sold on eBay at a greatly reduced price...Buy there instead.
• If a company is publicly traded, Financial Decisions Will be made in Favor of the
Stockholders at the Expense of the Distributors.
• Check these two websites: and

Pillar 2: Has the company passed the "early failure" Time Line? Are the company's Products timed with the beginning of a massive trend of consumer demand?
• Beware of "ground floor opportunities" and start-up companies.
• There should be no rush to get in on the "ground floor".
• 99% of companies don't last two years.
• If the company is good today, it will be great tomorrow.
• Most people don't make money in the first two years while the company is dealing with start-up issues.
• Profit comes AFTER two years. Join then.
• Avoid companies which have passed beyond their "momentum phase" and have become household names.
(The realistic potential for big growth in gone)
• Do not join a company with a product that has no profit margin!
(i.e - a long distance service or a vinyl record company)

Pillar 3: Does the company have a Remarkable product at a reasonable price?
• All MLM companies have a good product. But, there are others available that are just as good!
• It should be competively priced.
• If the product has both a Retail and a Wholesale price,
Your company has a Recruiting business model, STAY AWAY unless You are Red!
• Warnings:
• If the product would not sell without the business opportunity attached, it is ILLEGAL.
• If you can't pay with a credit card and Must pay by cash or money order, it is ILLEGAL.
• If distributors collect the money while the company stays at arm's length, it is ILLEGAL.
• If you MUST have a Retail Merchant's account, the company is SCAMMING YOU.
• When you begin to justify your product to someone, You become a salesperson.

CAUTION: Networking is a relationship business NOT a sales business.

Pillar 4: Does the Compensation Plan Pay Part-Timers?
• 95% of networkers are part-time people.
Make sure that people can make a decent income working a few hours per week.
• Beware of companies that advertise how many millionaires they have created.
Make sure it's not at the expense of those "at the bottom". Everyone should be able to benefit.
• Take the Comp Plan Test - Ask yourself this question:
• "How many people do I need on my Team to earn a recurring income check of $500 per month?"
• There are companies out there that require as many as 500 and as few as 20.
• It's not unusual to see well-established companies that require 150 to 350 people and
they are still able attract new distributors - Amazing! They must be sold on the product!
• If your upline won't or can't answer this basic question, You should Run.
• If you are making only 5% to 8% commissions on product, You are being extremely underpaid.
• If a company stresses "Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!", You should "Run, Run, Run!"
• The purpose of any business is moving product from the company to the end-consumer.
• The majority of your commissions MUST come from product sales; otherwise, it is a SCAM.
• And if you work a plan that Does Not pay on product volume,
somewhere in the process You will lose money!
• More important: You will lose Credibility Too!

Pillar 5: Does your Mentor offer a System for Success that will work for You in your mother language?
• The team you join must have a system in place that will work for everyone who uses it.
• There must be complete resources available; books, videos and audios explaining the system.
• The system should be designed to Teach The System!
Remember, you want to build your business, Not baby-sit it.
• You must take full responsibility for learning the Skill Set. Your mentor can't do that for you.
An 'open' system will allow you to go upline for clarification and advice.
• If you don't see the system working for you right away, don't try to reinvent the wheel.
As in everything we do in life there is a learning curve. Plug in and be patient.
• Personal development should have a big emphasis in the system. This is a relationship business,
the more you know about yourself, the better you'll relate to your clients and customers.
• Purchased leads require salesmanship.
These methods do not work anymore.
90% of our population are NOT good salespeople.
Not only that, most people don't even like salespeople.

Before choosing a System, get a YES answer to: "Can I do this?" and "Will my Mentor help me?"
Your Mentor's System Should:
(Ask for a list of those for whom it has worked 3 levels deep)

• Be a proven System that teaches a full Skill Set, including:
• Client interface,
• Advertising/Internet know how,
• Behavioral knowledge,
• Mentoring methods,
• Industry History.
• Have Free Skills Training,
• Have an affordable, easy to navigate Back Office, that includes:
• A complete lead management system,
• eMail and ad copy templates,
• Capture pages combined with an auto-responder,
• Integrated ad tracking and performance comparisons,
• A Help section that makes the Back Office tools easy to understand.
• Keep you Free to build your business.
Stay away from those administrative tasks like building web sites.
• Allow you to do your own Targeted advertising. Brand Yourself!

giovedì 18 febbraio 2010

What is the Essence of Network Marketing ?

What is the essence of Network Marketing?

From ertius
Thursday 18.02.2010

The essence of Network Marketing is reccomandation of reccomandation.
Thats it. Nothing else.
All the people are already reccomending all day about for example; the latest film they saw, or that good meal that they eat in restaurant x, or the newest celular phone they buyed, or this beautifull vacation they did lately at location x.
The only thing is with normal reccomandation you do not get payed.
Network Marketing is reccomandation of reccomandation and being payed for these
The point is to first understand reccomandation and building a Network of people with this, who does do the same thing.
Therefore the vital thing in Network marketing is to first explain Network Marketing and not the vehicle (Company and Product).
When the person understands that there is an possibility to gain or reach his objective, or goal in the form of getting what he / she wants out of live, with Network Marketing, the only thing after is to explain the Company and the Product.
Of course this Company or Product has have the 5 pillars of a successful Network Marketing Business

The most simple way to explain Network marketing is by a tool in form of an book or video, so that you do not have to spent any time to explain Network Marketing.
The best tools we have found until today is the Book "the 45 Second Presentation" of Don Failla, which you can find on site:

and the video of Tim Sales which you can find on the Website:

After a day or two you call the person you gave the book or the video and you ask them what they liked the most of it, and what they have learned from that.
You ask them what they would do or go if time and money is not limited.
You write little notes down of what they really want to do.
After that you ask them if they can see the possibility that they can have waht they want with the system of Network Marketing.
If they understand this you can immediately explian your vehicle (Company) and the product, and sign them up.
Then you organize to let them do the same thing as you did;
1. Having a business card on hand, with the text on the backsite as written on site:
2. Having the book "The 45 second presentation" of Don Failla or the Video "Brilliant Income Plan" of Tim Sales, to lent this or sell this to the persons they meet.

Many times the people in Network marketing makes the mistake to explain the Company and Product first.
Because the human mind can only concentrate and assume all the information which is brought to him for only 25 minutes, most prospects go home after an presentation / explanation with only the product in their mind. The next day they only remember the Product and Company and nothing else. They just do not understand the aim of Network Marketing.
Mostly this results in having a new costumer but not a new Network Marketer.
In priciple we do not want to sell people something, we want to build a group of people who reccomands and explain Network marketing first, and in a second time the Vehicle; Company and Product.
Only 5% of the population is capable to sell. The other 95% of the people can defenitivley not sell. But they can do reccomandations. In fact that is what they are doing already all the time.
It is excactly this group of people we need in Network Marketing because these people do the reccomandations directly from their heart. This is the way how Network Marketing works, and also the way how Network Marketing is duplicatable.
You need therefore only an proven duplicatable system.
The system we use is the system of Don Failla with reading first, the first 5 chapters of the book "The 45 seconds presentation" and the first 20 pages of the book "The system" also from Don Failla.
When your prospect shows an interest after that you can explain an 5 pillar Business.
The most important thing is that this is not costing you time, and is duplicatable for everyone, and applies for every 5 pillar business in Network Marketing.

The Web site with the explanation of "the 45 Second Presentation" in Italian you will find


The Web site with the explanation of "the 45 Second Presentation" in German you will find


The Web site with the explanation of "the 45 Second Presentation" in English you will find
